Dionne Design

Pring Turner Financial Management

Created and managed social media content for a California-based financial management firm, refining their brand palette and visual identity to strengthen brand cohesion. Designed for social media at both the micro and macro level: paying attention not only to the quality of each piece of content, but to it’s position in the overall visual look of the grid and how it affected brand perception.

  • Expanded brand palatte to increase their design flexibility while staying true to the brand’s essence. Also created a library of brand assets which strengthened the brand’s visual identity.
  • Produced Reels using found images, B-roll video, and animated elements to create dynamic and engaging video content. 
  • Edited video for short form social media video.
  • Developed a distinctive video format for financial term definitions, featuring an animated iPhone with pop-up definitions. This format was used for several months, establishing a recognizable and cohesive campaign.
  • Client

    Pring Turner Financial Management

  • Services

    Brand identity development
    Social media content creation
    Video editing