Dionne Design

Seapoint Digital

Worked with the digital marketing team of Seapoint Digital, a Maine-based marketing agency, to design digital ads and printed marketing materials or clients in the medical insurance industry.

  • Developed 20+ digital and print ads per month for their clients in the medical insurance field. Optimize digital assets for different platforms, ensuring proper resolution, file size, and other technical specifications.
  • Designed six-page bi-annual benefits brochure for Prudential.
  • Created 5-piece direct mail package for travel insurance company including bi-fold brochure, membership card, and custom envelope.
  • Designed banners for social media and e-newsletters as well as digital ads for Google, website, and blogs.
  • Developed a strategic wireframe for agency redesign to improve user experience (UX) and engagement.

  • Client
    Seapoint Digital
  • Dates

    February 2023 - March 2024

  • Services

    Digital ads for clients
    Brochures, postcards, direct mail items
    Website wireframe design