Dionne Design

When setting up a new website, a small business owner might wonder, “do I need a blog?”  They might feel hesitant to commit themselves to creating blog content on a regular basis.

I always tell clients that if you know you can’t contribute to a blog regularly, it’s probably better not to have one. Having a blog that has been laying fallow for a year or more just makes your business look bad.

That having been said, there are a lot of benefits to having a blog:

1. Establish yourself as an expert + provide value

Your website may have a list of services, some testimonials, and even a portfolio, but your blog allows you to take it a step further to show your audience that you know what you’re talking about.  By writing about what you know or sharing tips, you establish yourself as an expert and you provide value to your audience which will make them come back again and again.

2. Be personable + build trust

Often what sets your business apart from your competition will be you.  A blog is a great place to show your personality a bit more and to connect with potential clients. By writing in your own voice, people come to get a sense of your personality and will feel more comfortable reaching out.

3. Improve SEO

Search engines reward you for producing fresh content and for meeting the needs of online searches. A blog with the right title and keywords allows you to rise higher in the search results, driving traffic to your site.

Keep in mind that SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a long-term process with many components. So a blog may not get you on the first page of Google results overnight, but it will improve your search engine rankings over time.


4. Create Social Media Content

A blog post should definitely be shared on your social media platforms, thereby creating content, but its usefulness can go further.  The information from one post can be repurposed into several social media posts. 

For example, you can create a graphic for your social media with statistics, a quote, or an interesting fact from your blog post. Not only does this help with content creation, it ensures your information goes out to your audience, even if they don’t read the blog post.

5. Generate Leads

Capitalize on visits to your blog by talking about what you do.  Include a call to action at the end of your post.  And make sure that your sidebar contains links to promotions or services to drive traffic further into your site.

So while starting– and maintaining– a blog for your business may sound daunting, the benefits make the effort worthwhile.

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