Dionne Design

Brand photos can make or break your website and social media marketing campaigns. If you’re only using a headshot (and worse if it’s a snapshot), you’re missing out on the opportunity to build your brand, connect with your people, and accelerate the growth of your business.

All these are photos above are fine and actually would work great as headshots on a corporate website. But if you’re an independent business owner, they fall short. Do these photos give you a sense of who the person is, what industry they are in, or what quality of work they do? No, they don’t. That’s why you need to expand your idea of what brand photos can be.

Here are ideas for seven types of brand photos that you might consider incorporating into your next shoot.

1. convey your brand spirit

This photo isn't about the macaroon, it's about lighthearted fun.What better way to show the spirit of your business? Other items that convey fun confetti, champagne, pizza. If your business is conveying luxury, these might be classic cars, gold watches, leather items. It's less about the items and more about using visual cues to convey your brand identity or spirit.

2. you or your team In action

Your clients wants to see who they will be working with and while a gallery of headshots is nice, photos of your team planning, mood boarding, collaborating is even better. It gives clients a *feeling* of how it might be to work with you.

3. Your workspace

People are endlessly curious about other people and there is a lot to be learned about someone from their desk: photos, decor, clues to your work process. (Of course, that doesn't mean you can't clean it up a before the photoshoot!) Images like this can be used as a background in an Instagram story or on your website to add visual interest.

4. Client interaction

If you're a service-based industry, people what to see what it would be like working with you. A great way to show this is to stage some photos of you consulting with a client, listening, collaborating. Even if your collaboration takes place online, in person photos can give potential clients the feeling of what it would be like to work with you.

5. tools of the trade

Incorporate tools that you use in your work into your brand photos. They can be props that you use in your portraits or they can be stand-alone like this one. Use them on your website and social media marketing to quickly communicate who you are.

6. Lifestyle images

Lifestyle images are aspirational photos which coney a particular lifestyle or aesthetic. These can be used to create a mood or feeling about how your business is positioned in the market.

And if you are selling a product, showing this product in use in lifestyle photos can go a long way to increasing sales.

7. atmospheric

Atmospheric photos become part of the background of your website or social media to add texture and feeling but that still communicate something about your brand.

Expanding your idea of what brand photos can be will create more opportunities for potential customers and clients to connect with you and your brand. Start by digging into your brand ethos, examining the market, and then book a photographer and get creative! 

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