Dionne Design

Some clients are surprised to learn that they are need to write copy for their website. And one of the pages that can be most painful to write is the About page. 

Let’s make writing your About page  pain-free for you and a joy to for your audience to read!


1. Focus on your customer

It might seem counter-intuitive but, just like every other page on your website, your About page isn’t about you, it’s about your client or customer.

It might seem counter-intuitive but, just like every other page on your website, your About page isn’t about you, it’s about your client or customer.

The goal of your About page should be to find common ground with your client.

Ask yourself: Where does my story, experiences, and values intersect with those of my audience?

Often the answer to that question can be explained telling why you started your business, what you enjoy about what you do, and why you are passionate about it.

For example, when I really stopped to think about it, I realized that I was passionate about helping independent business owners because my own parents were entrepreneurs. By telling my parents’ story, I am able to find common ground with potential clients and let them know that I understand them.

2. Introduce yourself

Let your audience know the skills you bring to the table. This isn’t a dry recitation of your services. Let them know you are passionate about what you do! 

Tell a little about your journey. What appealed to you about this field? Did you like numbers/building/art from a young age? Did you go to school for this or for something different and then pivot back to your one true passion?

What is most rewarding aspect of your business? Is it helping people, seeing a smile on someone’s face, making a person’s life easier?

3. Show your personality

Each brand is different and the tone of your written voice can be funny, irreverant, friendly, professional, etc.  

So if it feels right for your brand, feel free to weave in your love for The Office, or coffee, or your favorite breakfast cereal. Just be sure to keep these glimpses into your private life brief and relatable. 

4. Show your face

This can be a hard one for some people but showing the face behind the company is key. It’s often been said that people buy from people. So if potential clients/customers can see you or your team, that goes a long way toward establishing trust.

It’s important that this photo be professional, meaning not blurry or low quality and not too casual.

BONUS: You might want to also include a few different poses of you “in action,” doing what you do throughout your site.

5. Location is great for connection and SEO

One of the easiest ways to find common ground is by sharing your location. This doesn’t mean your address per se, but your general location such as The Lower East Side, near the ocean, in the desert. People in your general area will really connect with you based on your geographic location.

BONUS: Sharing a city name throughout your site is a great SEO (Search Engine Optimization) hack.

5. Don’t forget a CTA

Your About page isn’t the place for a hard sell but, at the same time, you don’t want it to just end abruptly. It’s like starting a conversation and then just leaving the room. 
Think of concluding your About page as turning the conversation over to the other person.  “So that’s me, now let’s learn about you and how my service can help you.” And then include a link to your contact page/an invitation to sign up for your newsletter/book a consultation call, etc.

By following these guidelines, you will be well on your way to writing a pain-free About page that really resonates with your audience!


  1. How would you introduce yourself to a client/customer in one sentence?
  2. Why did you start in this field? What was your journey?
  3. What is at the core of why you do what you do?
  4. How can you help the person reading this?
  5. Why should they invest in your product or service?

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